Facebook Leads

Capture Facebook Page Leads on Rampwin.

What is Facebook Leads?

Facebook developed lead advertisements to help marketers produce leads more efficiently by avoiding the difficulties sometimes involved with filling out forms.

Facebook lead advertising allows customers to access your offers without leaving the Facebook app. And obtain the information they need with a few easy taps rather than sending them to a landing page consisting of a form they need to fill out.

Lead advertising offers consumers a quick and simple option to request information from companies they are interested in, which benefits advertisers by increasing click-through rates and generating more high-quality leads at a lower cost.

Reasons Why to Use Facebook Leads?

Facebook lead advertising can achieve various marketing goals, but they work best for one of the marketing maxims: Recognize your audience. Here are some reasons why Facebook leads play an essential role in the market.

  • Find possible clients for your company.

  • Gather subscriber data for your business newsletter and promote the downloading of white papers or brochures

  • Recognize the preferences and actions of prospective customers.

  • Encourage people to sign up for your programmes.

Integrating Facebook Leads

Using the Integrations module, you can integrate Facebook Leads and, based on them, run Automation Workflow.

To create a Facebook Leads integration, head to Integrations and select Facebook Leads.

It will open the Connect FB Lead modal, in which you need to enter the title and then click on CONNECT FACEBOOK PAGE. This will take you to Facebook, where you need to

  • Log in using your Facebook account.

  • Then, select the page you want to connect to.

  • And in the last, Allow Permissions. Once done, you'll find the page connected like the following,

Click Save. To enable/disable the Leads integration, click the toggle. To edit it, click the Edit Icon button. And to delete it, simply click the Trash Icon button.

For viewing the leads, click on the Metrics Icon button.

Using Facebook Leads, you can create Automation Workflow Trigger. Learn more about Facebook Leads Workflow in the Automation Workflows docs.

Last updated